Being proactive about your oral health can keep your smile looking its best for a long, long time. Our team in Edgewood, KY wants to keep your teeth intact and keep you happy.
To keep control over the health of your mouth, follow these four tips.
Develop Good Daily Habits
The American Dental Association recommends brushing and flossing daily. More specifically, the ADA says you should brush twice per day for two minutes each time. Second, you need to floss every day to remove plaque, harmful bacteria, and food particles from between your teeth and gums.
Visit Your Dentist Regularly
When you come to our office, you get more than just a dental cleaning. We also are watching for signs of problems, such as tooth decay, gum infections, or changes in the alignment of your teeth. If you have an issue, we want to find it as soon as we can.
Don’t Let Problems Linger
Most people experience dental problems from time to time. When this happens, you should address it sooner rather than later. By letting problems linger, you risk tooth infections, gum disease, and tooth loss.
If you have not yet scheduled your next dental visit, call 859-474-7830 today or contact us online to schedule an appointment at Edgewood Dental Care in Edgewood, KY.