With February comes the most romantic holiday of the year: Valentine’s day. If you’re not ready to celebrate with that special someone you had better make reservations, get your gifts picked out, and, perhaps most importantly, be ready to look your best!
At Edgewood Dental Care we can give your smile a spruce up that will really attract some positive attention this Valentine’s day. It doesn’t matter that time is short – we still have several cosmetic treatments that we can complete by the 14th!
Cosmetic Dentistry: It Isn’t Superficial
Whether you’ve been in a relationship for years or are spending time with someone new this Valentine’s day you want to look your best. That desire translates directly into the confidence and feeling of self worth that you need to truly look your best – without it you’ll just be faking it, and it’s surprisingly easy to tell.
A lot of people we see at Edgewood Dental Care think that cosmetic dentistry is superficial. They assume it’s just something for vain people who simply have to have the brightest, whitest, most artificially perfect smile in the world. They don’t realize how important a natural, healthy looking smile truly is, especially if they haven’t lived with one they don’t like.
If you don’t like your smile you shouldn’t be thinking that the treatments you want are superficial: you know how difficult confidence can be if you are embarrassed at something as fundamental to your appearance as your teeth. That’s what cosmetic dentistry is really about: finding a look that you love so that you can feel your best! Luckily we can help you get there with several fast and easy cosmetic treatments. If you start today you could be done in plenty of time for Valentine’s day!
Cosmetic Bonding
Don’t like the shape of a certain tooth? Unhappy with a gap between your front teeth? Do you have a chipped tooth that makes you feel horrible about smiling? All of those problems can be fixed with easy cosmetic bonding.
We use a special dental composite to reshape your teeth into the perfect shape and size – you’ll be amazed at what we can do with a simple mixture of plastic and glass! Cosmetic bonds are applied while soft and are shaped on your teeth. Once we’ve finished solving all your cosmetic needs you’ll have a chance to evaluate your new look – it’s completely in your hands!
When you’re happy with your new smile we’ll harden your bonds using a special curing light. In just a matter of a few minutes you’ll have a beautiful new smile that eliminates all your worries and fears about chips, gaps, and other imperfections.
Sometimes your teeth fade to a yellow or grey color, and sometimes they’re spotty and uneven. Dark spots or overly white spots can be signs of under or overexposure to fluoride, and they’re hard to remove with traditional teeth whitening. You may also have ridges or texture flaws in your teeth that can be surprisingly visible in the right light, and you definitely want to get rid of those too.
Microabrasion is a lot like sand blasting your teeth. We take a specially designed machine and simply blast away the stains, uneven spots, and enamel flaws to reveal the beautiful white teeth that lie underneath. Microabrasion is fast, easy, and pain-free – a great combo!
We recommend following microabrasion up with a teeth whitening treatment to ensure a beautiful new and evenly-bright smile.
Teeth Whitening
Don’t be fooled by over-the-counter kits: our Zoom and KöR teeth whitening solutions deliver real results fast. Whether you want to get your whitening done in one sitting with Zoom in-office whitening or you’d rather take home one of our KöR kits you’ll have a bright, beautiful smile in no time at all!
Professional teeth whitening is leagues ahead of what commercial kits can offer – there’s truly no comparison and we’re confident in the results we can create for you.
Time Is Running Out: Get A Boost Now!
You don’t have much time before that Valentine’s day window closes this year. If you want to blow your date away with a new look don’t delay another day: call Edgewood Dental Care now!
You can reach us at 859-474-7830 or you can request an appointment by filling out our online form. We look forward to seeing you soon!