Many dental practices offer dental sedation, but we are among the few that offer three levels of sedation dentistry at our Edgewood, KY office. Here is why we do this.
Inhaled Sedation
You probably know this better as laughing gas. This option is safe for children and adults. It is good for anyone with mild dental anxiety or to administer during a dental emergency to block pain. It takes effect quickly and wears off within minutes.
Oral Conscious Sedation
If you know that dental anxiety has been an obstacle to getting oral care in the past, then you should ask about this option. This is taking medication prior to your appointment. This is a longer-lasting form of sedation, so should arrange for a family member or friend to drive you to and from your appointment.
IV Sedation
This is our strongest sedation option. Like laughing gas, it works fast. It prevents pain and gagging. It also can be used for longer procedures such as oral surgery.
Which sedation is right for you? Call 859-474-7830 or contact us online to schedule a consultation at Edgewood Dental Care in Edgewood, KY.