For years, the staff at Edgewood Dental Care has actually been looking after smiles in Oakbrook, KY with dental surgery solutions. We have a lengthy list of satisfied people who return year after year for their oral care because we offer first-class therapy to all.
Our patients recognize that we attend to them and care for them from the moment they come through our doors. Our team strives to see to it that each individual gets superb oral treatment from start to finish.
To make that take place, utilize several of the most recent dental technology readily available. This equipment makes your time with us more positive, effective, and typically will reduce the time you spend in our dental chair.
If you have anxiousness concerning your oral surgery, do not fret. We will certainly do our finest to help you relax. We offer dental sedation to match your requirements and will make certain you get precisely what you require to lie back comfortably in our treatment.
Some of the oral surgery solutions we offer are:
- Tooth Removals – We’ll regularly attempt to save your damaged or infected tooth, yet if that’s not feasible, we’ll gently remove it to protect your oral health. Extracting a harmed tooth will certainly assist prevent issues with your other teeth as well as gums.
- Wisdom Teeth Extraction – Not everyone needs their wisdom teeth removed, yet if you do, you remain in the appropriate area. Your dentist will remove them, so they don’t create you any more pain or harm your other teeth.
- Bone Grafts – Repair a jaw that has lost bone tissue with this procedure. It can allow you to secure and support dental implants.
- Gum Grafts – This is one option for repairing a gumline that has receded due to gum disease, brushing too hard, or other causes.
- Chao Pinhole® Technique – This is another way to repair your gumline. By making pinhole-sized incisions, we can move gum tissue to as needed to redefine your gumline.
Call Edgewood Dental Care today at 859-474-7830 or schedule online if you think you might need an oral surgeon in Oakbrook, KY, We’ll get you in as soon as we can and get your smile back in shape!